The big secret lurking in the hidden depths of the Red Sea

About 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, yet despite great advances in our knowledge of the hidden depths of seas and oceans, countless mysteries remain.

The unique habitats of the Red Sea, for example, hold many secrets that scientists, marine biologists and oceanographers are keen to unlock. The latest attempt to do so was a collaboration between the NEOM megacity project and marine exploration initiative OceanX in the waters off the northeastern coast of Saudi Arabia.

A 30-strong international team, including Saudi experts, spent six weeks on one of the world’s most advanced research vessels, exploring the Red Sea. The primary aims of the expedition included mapping the seafloor, investigating the effects of climate change, and researching coral ecology and reef resilience, among other things. However, a few unexpected surprises lay in wait...

In an Arab News exclusive, experts from NEOM tell us why the expedition was so important and explain the significance of its discoveries.