Thousands march in US for free Palestine

Rally organizers, the Philadelphia Free Palestine Coalition, describes itself as ‘a united socialist alliance of activist organizations and political parties.’ (Supplied)
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  • Speakers demand ‘end of occupation’ as fury grows over Gaza conflict

PHILADELPHIA: More than 1,000 Americans of different backgrounds marched in downtown Philadelphia demanding a “free Palestine” and denouncing US support for Israel.

The protesters traveled from Rittenhouse Square and marched to Philadelphia City Hall as they chanted.
Rally organizers, the Philadelphia Free Palestine Coalition, describes itself as “a united socialist alliance of activist organizations and political parties, dedicated to advancing the
cause of Palestinian liberation from imperialism, settler colonialism and Zionism.”
Speakers outside the city hall called for “an end to Israel’s occupation and settlement activities,” and the creation of an independent state of Palestine.
Marchers called for a “free Palestine, from the river to the sea.” In March 2018, CNN fired political commentator Marc Lamont Hill after he used the same words during a speech at the UN.


• The protesters traveled from Rittenhouse Square and marched to Philadelphia City Hall as they chanted.

• Speakers outside the city hall called for ‘an end to Israel’s occupation and settlement activities,’ and the creation of an independent state of Palestine.

• Activists told Arab News that both the size and diversity of pro-Palestinian demonstrations have surged recently.

A demonstrator told Arab News that US President Joe Biden “does not care about Palestine.” He said: “Biden finally pushed Israel to stop the attacks on Palestinians because he was pressured by people protesting and demanding that the US government should stop supporting Israeli unconditionally.”
Another protester with an African-American background said that “as a Black person, you can’t be fighting for black liberation without also fighting for Palestinian liberation.”
Activists told Arab News that both the size and diversity of pro-Palestinian demonstrations have surged recently. An older couple, Robert and Jane Gold, said that they have never seen as “big and consistent crowds” supporting the Palestinian cause as in recent weeks. A US-Latino protester said that Latin America is “strongly supportive” of Palestinians, especially in her country, Chile, where there is a large Palestinian presence.