Pass! Goal! Beer?: Tunisian football pundit heard asking for beer on air

The video clip of a sports commentator Shakib Khouyaldi went viral on social media platforms when he was heard ordering a beer on air during a football match. (Screenshot)
The video clip of a sports commentator Shakib Khouyaldi went viral on social media platforms when he was heard ordering a beer on air during a football match. (Screenshot)
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Updated 09 April 2021

Pass! Goal! Beer?: Tunisian football pundit heard asking for beer on air

The video clip of a sports commentator Shakib Khouyaldi went viral on social media platforms when he was heard ordering a beer on air during a football match. (Screenshot)
  • During the game between Monastir and Club Africain, the commentator is heard saying “Okay … get me a bottle of beer”

DUBAI: Among the many things one would hear a professional football pundit say are “he shoots!” and “she scores!”

What people would not expect, however, would be “get me a beer,” and yet thats is exactly what fans heard during a live broadcast of a Tunisian Ligue Professionnelle game this week. 

The video clip of a sports commentator Shakib Khouyaldi went viral on social media platforms when he was heard ordering a beer on air during a football match.

During the game between Monastir and Club Africain, the commentator is heard saying “Okay … get me a bottle of beer” which reportedly sparked widespread criticism and remarks among viewers.

Immediately after, the Tunisian National Television Network issued an official apology stating that: “Following the inappropriate comment by the commentator during the Monastir and Club Africain match, the Tunisian National Television Network expresses its sincere apologies to the spectators.”

In the statement published on their twitter account, the network omitted the name of the commentator and ensured to the spectators that “(he) has been placed under suspension until the end of an investigation in order to take appropriate disciplinary action.”