Bahrain’s King Hamad: Establishing just peace in region depends on activating Arab initiative

Update Bahrain’s King Hamad: Establishing just peace in region depends on activating Arab initiative
Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa . (File/AFP)
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Updated 11 October 2020

Bahrain’s King Hamad: Establishing just peace in region depends on activating Arab initiative

Bahrain’s King Hamad: Establishing just peace in region depends on activating Arab initiative
  • Bahrain is working towards supporting the initiative with its allies to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, the king said

LONDON: Establishing comprehensive and just peace in the region depends on activating the Arab initiative, Bahrain’s King Hamad said on Sunday. 

Bahrain is working to support the initiative by all means with its allies to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, Bahrain News Agency (BNA) reported the king as saying. 

King Hamad continued by saying that backing the initiative is the country’s “declared and explicit position toward the Palestinian issue to reach a two-state solution that enhances world security and peace.”

The 2002 Arab Peace Initiative offered normalisation of relations by the Arab world with Israel in return for a full withdrawal by Israel from the territories occupied since 1967, arrival at a just solution to the Palestinian refugee
problem and the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.