Biden issues historic commitment to Arab Americans

Joe Biden has issued a comprehensive “Plan for Partnership” with Arab Americans as part of his presidential campaign. (File/Reuters)
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  • Biden refused to back down on his criticism of extremism, opposition to the BDS movement and support for Israel
  • He vowed to immediately rescind Trump’s controversial “Muslim ban” upon being sworn-in as president

CHICAGO: Democratic nominee Joe Biden has issued a comprehensive “Plan for Partnership” with Arab Americans as part of his presidential campaign.
He vowed to enforce the plan if he wins November’s election, but refused to back down on his criticism of extremism, opposition to the BDS movement and support for Israel.
Biden, who issued a YouTube video in which he cites an Islamic Hadith last month and appealed to Muslim US voters to “do the right thing” when they “see a wrong,” is pursuing support from Arab and Muslim Americans who have been ostracized by US President Donald Trump.
In his historic statement, never before promised by any presidential candidate, the former vice president called Arab Americans “essential to the fabric of our nation,” adding that he will not only fight “anti-Arab bigotry,” but will include Arab Americans in his administration, something Trump has failed to do while in office.
“Anti-Arab bigotry has been used in attempts to exclude, silence and marginalize an entire community, and Biden believes it must be rejected whenever it surfaces, including when it emanates from elected officials or those seeking public office,” the partnership said.
“Biden embraces the partnership of Arab Americans in his campaign and will include Arab Americans across his administration. A Biden-Harris Administration will restore our values as a nation of immigrants, defend the civil rights of all Americans, provide equal opportunity for every American and champion democracy and human rights globally.”
The nine-page partnership statement has been welcomed by Arab American leaders and activists who previously expressed concern about several of Biden’s remarks, including a TV interview in August 2008 in which he declares himself a “Zionist” and one of Israel’s strongest supporters.
Arab Americans have also raised concerns about his running mate Kamala Harris’ close ties with the Israeli right. Harris, elected to the US Senate representing California in 2016, has addressed Israel’s AIPAC lobby twice and co-sponsored a resolution rebuking fellow Democrat and former president Barack Obama for not being tougher in defending Israeli settlements.
Arab American politicians and community leaders across the board applauded Biden’s statement.
Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, in a heated battle against Republican Arab American Darrell Issa for California’s 50th Congressional seat, welcomed Biden’s statement.
“I feel seen. These past few years have been rough, being called a terrorist by your own congressman was hard to live through. Regardless of party, and there are many Republican Arab Americans, this is praiseworthy,” he tweeted.
The partnership statement follows Biden’s disavowal of controversial activist Linda Sarsour, a critic of Israeli policy who has condemned moderates and compromise with Israel.
Biden’s spokespeople said the candidate “rejects” Sarsour’s rhetoric.
As part of his pledge to Arab Americans, Biden vowed to immediately rescind Trump’s controversial “Muslim ban” upon being sworn-in as president, and to support immigrants and refugees by reversing other policies.
“On day one, Joe Biden will rescind the un-American Muslim travel and refugee bans and will cease the immoral family separation policy,” the statement said.
“Biden will reestablish the US as a welcoming destination for those seeking to pursue the American dream, including immigrants from the Arab world. Prohibiting the populations of entire countries from coming to the US is morally wrong, does not make our nation more secure and is yet another abuse of power by the Trump Administration.”
The Biden pledge also promised to protect the free speech of all Americans. But the statement added that he will not compromise on his support for Israel or his rejection of the BDS movement.
“Joe Biden will protect the constitutional right of our citizens to free speech. He also does not support efforts by any democracy to criminalize free speech and expression, which is why he spoke out against Israel’s decision to deny entry to American lawmakers because they favor boycotting Israel.
“However, Biden has been unequivocal in condemning calls in the US to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel,” the statement said.
More than 27 US states have approved laws that punish support for the BDS movement.
If elected, Biden said he and Harris will also:
“End the Trump Administration’s Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Program.”
“Regularly consult with leaders from historically targeted communities, including Arab Americans, to ensure that civil rights are protected.”
“Support Syria’s reconstruction.”
“Undertake a review of ‘watchlist’ and ‘no-fly list’ processes to ensure that they do not have an adverse impact on individuals or groups based on national origin, race, religion or ethnicity, and improve the process to remove names, when justified, from these lists.”
“Work with civil society and the citizens of Lebanon to assist them as they develop and implement an economic and political future for their country, free of corruption and inclusive of all stakeholders.”
President of the Arab American Institute Jim Zogby welcomed the partnership pledge.
“A historic first. Biden’s agenda for Arab Americans rejects excluding or silencing us, closes profiling loopholes, rejects racist policies and protects our first amendment right to advocate for Palestine,” he said on Twitter.