Pakistan International School Jeddah (PISJ) commemorates Pakistan Resolution Day

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The day when the Muslims of sub-continent dreamt to have a separate homeland and then just in a span of seven years, transformed this dream into reality. Seven years mean nothing in the nation’s history but the attribute that made the difference was ‘the Resolve’. Pakistani Nation commemorates this day as the Resolution Day. We as nation endeavours to instil the prominence of determination and steadfastness amongst our future generation that nothing is impossible. One has to dream high and then work hard together objectively to achieve the goal. We emphasize on our youth to carry empathy, demonstrate tolerance and understanding as a global citizen. The teachings embedded with morals and ethics enshrined in ‘Islam’ give the way forward to lead an enriching and encompassing life to meet all the challenges.

The understanding of present-day challenge of pandemic COVD19 demands that resolve to fight its outbreak with togetherness. It calls for unity of thought and global citizenship. The advisories being promulgated by the governments across the globe underline that selfless approach where people are advised to stay home not just for their own safety but more for those with low immune system and elderly. It is that respect and compassion which make us proud to be humans. We need to nurture the environment of magnanimity, care and sacrifice. We cannot pay back the efforts being put in by the people who are fearlessly working in their respective domains to assist and support others.

Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section resolves to face this challenge by ensuring the emotional and academic wellbeing of the generation under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, Jeddah. The exceptional efforts made by the teachers and staff are commendable.

Together we are, together we sail.

May Allah Almighty steer us out of this crises and accept our repentance! (Ameen)