Coronavirus pandemic: What Pakistani celebrities are saying

Special Coronavirus pandemic: What Pakistani celebrities are saying
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Updated 17 March 2020

Coronavirus pandemic: What Pakistani celebrities are saying

Coronavirus pandemic: What Pakistani celebrities are saying
  • Actor Faysal Quraishi thinks Pakistanis aren't taking outbreak seriously, singer Ali Zafar releases song called ‘Ko Ko Corona’
  • Actress Ayesha Omar wants people to wear N95 masks and rubber gloves in crowded places and while touching surfaces

KARACHI: As Pakistani authorities have stepped up calls for citizens to isolate themselves as much as possible and take precautionary measures as a novel coronavirus spreads in Pakistan, Arab News Pakistan spoke to some top Pakistani celebrities about how they’re keeping themselves safe and what messages they have for their fans.

Ayesha Omar. (AFP)

Actor and model Ayesha Omar has a tonne of great advice
Use N95 masks and wear disposable rubber gloves in crowded places and while touching surfaces, drink hot water, wash hands and face often, use sanitisers frequently, gargle with salt water, stop handshaking/hugging/kissing while greeting each other, eat healthy, try to get plenty of sleep, stay away from crowded places, stock up basic food supplies and water for at least three to four weeks.

“Be safe! Family, friends and fan-family, even those who are being paranoid. May humanity recover from this very soon.”

Mehwish Hayat. (Photo courtesy: Mehwish Hayat/Twitter)

Actor and singer Mehwish Hayat says she began wearing a mask several weeks ago:
“Personally, I am limiting my travel to a minimum and will refrain from attending any event till the peak has passed. As hard as it is for a cricket fan like me, glad to see that events like Pakistan Cricket League are being held without spectators. Of course like everybody else I am practicing social distancing and making sure that I am keeping my hands clean.”       

Ali Zafar. (AFP)

Singer and actor Ali Zafar has released an acoustic song called ‘Ko Ko Corona’:
“There are certain moments in our existence when the world must come together and fight for survival. This is one of those. We all must play a part in fighting this pandemic.”      

Hareem Farooq. (Photo courtesy: Hareem Farooq/Twitter)

Actor and model Hareem Farooq is staying home and taking extra care with hygiene:
“This is a huge challenge, and we [the people all over the world] are in this together. Let’s just keep fighting to stay healthy and positive as best as you can.”

Ahsan Khan. (Photo courtesy: Ahsan Khan/Twitter)

Drama and film actor Ahsan Khan wants people to beat fear:
“There's no such thing to fear as we must try to maintain a sense of calm and not start hoarding goods. Please try to take care of one another in this time of need.”

Faysal Qureshi. (AFP)

Actor Faysal Quraishi thinks Pakistanis aren't taking things seriously:
“We are taking special measures on our shoots as well by wearing masks and washing and sanitizing our hands from time to time. After the outbreak, many countries are in a state of emergency but here what I observe is that we are not taking the situation seriously. I strongly request the government to deal with it strictly. The most difficult thing right now is to convince those who are still in a state of denial. I am doing my part to spread the message as much as I can.”   

Shaista Lodhi . (Photo courtesy: Shaista Lodhi/Twitter)

Former TV host and dermatologist Shaista Lodhi has a simple message:
“I have been putting up all the precautionary measures, in terms of my pictures, actions and write-ups. I, being a doctor and celebrity, made sure to make people aware as much as possible. I will also remind you of the most important thing to do: wash hands always after being in a public place.”