Trump campaign won’t allow Bloomberg reporters at events

Trump campaign won’t allow Bloomberg reporters at events
In this file photo taken on September 11, 2016 US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg during a memorial service at the National 9/11 Memorial in New York. (AFP)
Updated 02 December 2019

Trump campaign won’t allow Bloomberg reporters at events

Trump campaign won’t allow Bloomberg reporters at events
  • Parscale said Monday that Bloomberg has “formalized preferential reporting policies.”
  • Bloomberg’s Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait says that’s not true

NEW YORK: President Donald Trump’s campaign says it will no longer give passes to Bloomberg News reporters to cover its rallies and other campaign events.
Campaign spokesman Brad Parscale said Monday that Bloomberg, in the wake of founder Michael Bloomberg’s own Democratic presidential bid, has “formalized preferential reporting policies.” Bloomberg’s Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait says that’s not true.
When Bloomberg announced his candidacy, Micklethwait said his news organization would not investigate the boss or other Democratic candidates. But he said the Trump administration would continue to be covered.
Some critics said that has put Bloomberg reporters in a difficult position, made more so by the Trump campaign’s announcement on Monday.