Trump's former strategist Steve Bannon says Al Arabiya 'AP of the Middle East'

Steve Bannon, former head of controversial Breitbart, praised Al Arabiya after it broke a story concerning allegations that Qatar paid off congresswoman Ilhan Omar. (AFP/File photo)
  • Bannon was discussing an exclusive story by Al Arabiya about congresswoman Ilhan Omar and allegations that she is linked to Qatar
  • Bannon, who used to head the controversial Breitbart news website, made the comments on his new podcast “War Room: Impeachment”

LONDON: Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has described Saudi owned Al Arabiya as the Associated Press of the Middle East.

Bannon, the former executive chairman of the controversial news website Breitbart, made the comments on his new podcast “War Room: Impeachment.”

Bannon was discussing an exclusive story by Al Arabiya about congresswoman Ilhan Omar. The report said Kuwaiti-born Canadian businessman Alan Bender gave testimony to a Florida federal court accusing Omar of taking bribes from Qatar in exchange for leaking sensitive information that was passed to Iran.

Omar has denied the allegations made in a hearing last month in a lawsuit against the Qatari emir’s brother, Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Al-Thani, who is accused of ordering his American bodyguard to murder two people.

The podcast’s presenters discussed the case with Bannon asking “is she (Omar) a Qatari asset?

Co-presenter Raheem Kassam said the story was broken by Al Arabiya, which Bannon quickly said was one of the “best news services in Middle East.”

“The AP of the Middle East,” he added, in reference to the American news wire service.

The War Room: Impeachment podcast was launched last month in response to an impeachment drive against Donald Trump.