Lebanon draft budget won’t deliver significant change to debt trajectory: Moody’s

Lebanon draft budget won’t deliver significant change to debt trajectory: Moody’s
Heavily indebted Lebanon unveiled a plan to bring its public finances under control in late May but faces an uphill struggle. (AP)
Updated 03 June 2019

Lebanon draft budget won’t deliver significant change to debt trajectory: Moody’s

Lebanon draft budget won’t deliver significant change to debt trajectory: Moody’s

LONDON: Lebanon’s 2019 draft budget plan to tackle its pressing fiscal situation through spending cuts, revenue increases and refinancing of T-bills will likely fail to deliver a significant shift in the country’s debt trajectory, ratings agency Moody’s said.
Heavily indebted Lebanon unveiled a plan to bring its public finances under control in late May but faces an uphill struggle to restore the investor confidence that is needed to stave off crisis.
The budget — which has been sent to parliament for debate and approval — aims to cut the fiscal deficit to 7.6% of GDP from 11.5% in 2018 and implies the primary balance will turn into a surplus of 1.7% from a deficit of around 1% of GDP.
“This adjustment is achieved primarily via spending cuts and a limited increase in revenue,” Moody’s analyst Elisa Parisi-Capone wrote in a note to clients, dated May 30.
“According to our debt projections, the implied primary balance adjustment and the previously announced interest savings from the refinancing of high interest-rate T-bills with lower interest-rate T-bills with participation of the central bank and commercial banks, remain insufficient to significantly change the debt trajectory because of the persistent interest rate — growth rate differential.”
Moody’s said its base case was that the primary surplus would stand at 1.5% of GDP in 2019 and continually increase to 3.5% of GDP by 2023. However, assuming that interest bills remained at 10-11% and limited appetite to reduce the wage bill further due to a public pushback, the fiscal deficit would remain around 7.0-7.5%, Moody’s calculated.