What We Are Reading Today: The Way We Eat Now by Bee Wilson

What We Are Reading Today: The Way We Eat Now by Bee Wilson
Updated 16 May 2019

What We Are Reading Today: The Way We Eat Now by Bee Wilson

What We Are Reading Today: The Way We Eat Now by Bee Wilson
  • A book on present-day eating habits

The Way We Eat Now is an insightful and astonishing book about our present-day eating habits. 

“It is both useful and informative, thoroughly and enterprisingly reported. When she is not hectoring, author Bee Wilson presents a remarkable array of data, often in unusual and striking charts, and delivers numerous surprises,” said Corby Kummer in a review published in The New York Times. 

Hummer said Wilson “shows that countries like Chile and cities like Amsterdam, which builds exercise into its urban design and takes a citywide multigenerational approach to eating better and eating together, are pointing the way toward the kind of change we need.” 

Wilson also “shows that such policies aren’t necessarily new: 18th-century France, in a kind of broken-windows approach to enforcing good food, had a policy of policing bread, since bad bread was a sign of social breakdown,” said Hummer. 

The critic added: “Wilson’s concluding chapters are concerned with repairing our broken connection to food.”