Saudi judiciary signs MoU on training of judges

Saudi judiciary signs MoU on training of judges
Saudi Justice Minister Sheikh Dr. Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani and the Minister of Civil Services Sulaiman Al-Hamdan witness the signing of an MoU to train judges and assistant judges. (SPA)
Updated 15 March 2019

Saudi judiciary signs MoU on training of judges

Saudi judiciary signs MoU on training of judges

RIYADH: The Saudi Supreme Judicial Council and the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to train judges and assistant judges.
The MoU included an agreement to enroll judges and assistant judges for the new Legal Studies Diploma, provided by the IPA, and to form a joint team to study the findings of an annual report on how the training process might improve.
The diploma runs for six semesters over three years, featuring modules in administrative, criminal, international and business law. It was tailored by the IPA to raise the efficiency of the Kingdom’s judiciary.