US, UK discuss countering Iran’s activities

US, UK discuss countering Iran’s activities
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo greets British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt (L) prior to meetings at the State Department in Washington, DC, August 22, 2018. (AFP)
Updated 25 January 2019

US, UK discuss countering Iran’s activities

US, UK discuss countering Iran’s activities
  • Pompeo met with Hunt on how to counter "Iranian malign behavior" 
  • The two officials also discussed the next steps in the political process in Yemen

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo met with UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt on Thursday in Washington to discuss the current global geopolitical climate, the United States’ state department reported.

The two officials particularly reviewed priorities, particularly on how to counter "Iranian malign behavior" and "next steps in the political process in Yemen", a statement from the state department said.

Pompeo and Hunt also discussed next steps on encouraging Russia to return to full and verifiable compliance of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) which was a 1987 arms control agreement between the US and the former Soviet Union.

The two also discussed aspects of UK-US relations ahead of Britain’s exit from the European Union.