Iran backed militia attempts to hack Okaz, Saudi Gazette websites

  • The websites of the two newspapers will be out of service for a few hours Tuesday as a precautionary measure against further hacking attempts
  • The two newspapers were targeted because of their Iran-related content and their support of Yemen’s legitimate government

JEDDAH: An Iranian backed militia attempted to hack Saudi newspapers Okaz and Saudi Gazette on Tuesday.
In a joint statement, the newspapers said the hackers attempted to publish a vulgar message and destroy the credibility of the two publications.
The statement added that the two newspapers were targeted because of their Iran-related content and their support of Yemen’s legitimate government.
Editor in chief of Okaz, Jameel Al-Thiyabi, who is also the general supervisor of Saudi Gazette, said the attempt to hack the websites will increase the publication’s persistence in “exposing Houthi and Iranian crimes in Yemen under all circumstances.”
He added that the two publications would not change their approach to the way they covered the war in Yemen or their support of the truth.
The websites of the two newspapers will be out of service for a few hours Tuesday as a precautionary measure against further hacking attempts.

Al Madina, another Saudi newspaper, said it was also targeted by the Iran backed hackers. 
Saudi Gazette, established in 1978, is a Saudi English language newspaper with an online presence. Its sister publication is Okaz.
Okaz is a Saudi Arabic language daily newspaper located in Jeddah. The paper was launched in 1960.