What We Are Reading Today: The New Ecology

What We Are Reading Today: The New Ecology
Updated 15 December 2018

What We Are Reading Today: The New Ecology

What We Are Reading Today: The New Ecology

Author: Oswald j. schmitz

Our species has transitioned from being one among millions on Earth to the species that is single-handedly transforming the entire planet to suit its own needs.
In order to meet the daunting challenges of environmental sustainability in this epoch of human domination — known as the Anthropocene — ecologists have begun to think differently about the interdependencies between humans and the natural world.
This concise and accessible book provides the best available introduction to what this new ecology is all about — and why it matters more than ever before.
Oswald Schmitz describes how the science of ecology is evolving to provide a better understanding of how human agency is shaping the natural world, often in never-before-seen ways, according to a review in the Princeton University Press website. The new ecology emphasizes the importance of conserving species diversity, because it can offer a portfolio of options to keep our ecosystems resilient in the face of environmental change.