JEDDAH: The aim of the conference of International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) being held in Madinah is to highlight the true nature of Islam, say officials and members of the Saudi Shoura Council.
The 23rd session of the conference organized by IIFA in collaboration with the Islamic University in Madinah under the patronage of King Salman will provide research scholars with an opportunity to present their research and studies based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
Based on the research findings, scholars will suggest ways to eradicate social and economic issues facing the Muslim world.
The event also aims to promote the true understanding of Islam and its tolerant nature.
The conference will also highlight the role of scholars in educating the masses and in enlightening the Islamic world. Several officials and academics told the Saudi Press Agency that the Islamic Shariah has the ability to achieve social harmony and human happiness. The Shariah, they added, has the solution to all human problems. However, they stressed the need to refer to authentic religious sources to find those solutions.
International Islamic Fiqh Academy event to suggest ways to fight social issues
International Islamic Fiqh Academy event to suggest ways to fight social issues