From headaches to acne, six Ramadan health tips to help you in the Holy Month

From headaches to acne, six Ramadan health tips to help you in the Holy Month
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Updated 04 June 2018

From headaches to acne, six Ramadan health tips to help you in the Holy Month

From headaches to acne, six Ramadan health tips to help you in the Holy Month

Boost your health during Ramadan

As we near the last week of the Holy Month, temperatures in the Gulf have risen sharply and it’s safe to say that the heat is officially on. Fasting in such a climate can lead to a host of health issues, including dehydration, headaches and nausea. Follow these expert health tips to ensure the last 10 days of Ramadan are as comfortable as possible.

Stop dehydration and headaches

The human brain consists largely of water and is sensitive to any drop in supply. To protect the brain, the body starts retaining any water that is available and that’s what we call water retention. To avoid dehydration — and the ensuing headaches — make sure you drink at least 8 cups of water overnight, cut excessive sweets, salts and caffeine, have a balanced meal for suhoor and avoid being exposed to direct sunlight during the day.

Avoid nausea

Nausea during the fasting hours can be avoided if you do the following during the non-fasting hours: Stop having large, too hot or too cold meals. Cut the heavy salad dressings and drink your water 30 minutes before eating or one hour after the meal.

Cancel out heartburn

Even though fasting decreases the amount of acids that your stomach produces, just smelling or thinking about food sends signals to the brain to make more acids. To stop heartburn, avoid fried and very spicy foods, tomato sauces and sodas. Need an extra tip? Sleep on your left side to prevent heartburn while taking your nap!

Relieve constipation

The leading cause of constipation is the lack of fiber in your food. Have more fiber rich foods, such as green vegetables, legumes and whole fruits. Dried plums are the best for immediate relief.

Say goodbye to acne

Acne breakouts are relatively common among sufferers in Ramadan. As it is highly linked to dehydration, drinking water will help your skin stay well hydrated and will help keep the pimples at bay. Substitute your sodas and juices with water, cut the chocolate and the heavy spices and enjoy your radiant skin.

Prevent muscle cramps

To prevent muscle cramps, eat foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat.