JEDDAH: Two suspects facing 12 terror-related charges are on trial in a Riyadh-based court, Okaz newspaper reported.
The suspects are on trial for recording a voice message where they imitated the voices of toppled Libyan leader Muammar Al-Qaddafi and former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in an effort to criticize the local Abha Tourism Festival.
The first suspect is facing eight charges, including supporting terror groups Al-Nusra Front and Daesh.
The suspect is accused of preparing, sending and storing items deemed harmful to public order and morals. He was also communicating with a member of Daesh in Syria, the newspaper added.
He appears to follow social media accounts affiliated with Daesh, in addition to disseminating information and publications by the terror group via Twitter and Telegram and WhatsApp to his friends, including the second suspect, whom he had shared Daesh-related videos with.
The second suspect is facing four charges, including meeting the first suspect, inciting him to support terror groups, and harboring him from security forces.
He is also accused of disturbing public order by taking part in a voice message that criticized the Abha festival, by sending it via WhatsApp to a number of friends.
Duo on trial in Riyadh over ‘Qaddafi, Saddam’ imitation voice message
Duo on trial in Riyadh over ‘Qaddafi, Saddam’ imitation voice message