45 Houthi killed in Yemen clashes, including one militia commander

 45 Houthi killed in Yemen clashes, including one militia commander
Updated 11 April 2018

45 Houthi killed in Yemen clashes, including one militia commander

 45 Houthi killed in Yemen clashes, including one militia commander

DUBAI: At least 18 Iran-backed Houthi militants were killed in clashes with the Yemeni army over the past two days, including field commander Abu Hassanin, Saudi state-news channel Al-Ekhbariya reported.

A Yemeni military source said that more than 30 militants were wounded during the fighting on the Al-Zonooj front, north of Taiz.

Engineering teams in the 22nd Mika Brigade were able to dismantle a network of improvised explosive devices planted by the militias near the camp.