108 Kurdish militants ‘neutralized’

108 Kurdish militants ‘neutralized’
Syrian-Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and members of the Rojava Forces Defence Units take part in routine military exercises in the town of Faysh Khabur, which lies in Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region near the three-way border crossing between Iraq-Syria-Turkey on March 29, 2018. (AFP)
Updated 08 April 2018

108 Kurdish militants ‘neutralized’

108 Kurdish militants ‘neutralized’

ANKARA: About 108 Kurdish militants have been “neutralized” in operations targeting southeast Turkey and northern Iraq in the past week, Turkey’s armed forces said.
The military uses the term “neutralized” to refer to operations in which opposition forces have been killed, wounded or captured.
In a weekly roundup, it said it had neutralized 31 militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the southeastern provinces of Tunceli, Mardin, Diyarbakir and Sirnak. It said 77 other militants had been neutralized in cross-border operations.
Earlier on Saturday, the military said it had neutralized six militants in an airstrike targeting northern Iraq’s Hakurk region. Reuters
Ankara has long complained that PKK fighters are being given free rein to operate out of Sinjar against Turkish targets.