RIYADH: Saudi police arrested 32 citizens for illegally gathering in front of Taif governorate headquarters following the removal of irregular encroachments on public space, according to the interior ministry.
The citizens gathered to protest the removal of an irregular rest house built on government land on the touristic Shafa road.
The arrests were made after the crowd refused to disperse and follow the municipality guidelines and remove their infringement on public property.
The Ministry of Interior said these acts represent a violation of public funds, and take advantage of government land and insisted the violators respond to the instructions of the municipality concerned and remove their infringements within the time limits granted.
“In order to preserve the public order and maintain tranquility, the security authorities have began deterring such irresponsible acts and arrested 32 violators and their associates, all Saudi Arabian nationals, and referred them to the Public Prosecution Office to take necessary legal action.
Police arrest 32 Saudis protesting against municipality rules in Taif
Police arrest 32 Saudis protesting against municipality rules in Taif