UN imagery of Syria's eastern Ghouta shows widespread damage

UN imagery of Syria's eastern Ghouta shows widespread damage
UN map of rapidly assessed damage occurring between Dec. 3, 2017 and Feb. 23, 2018 in eastern Ghouta. (UNOSAT)
Updated 01 March 2018

UN imagery of Syria's eastern Ghouta shows widespread damage

UN imagery of Syria's eastern Ghouta shows widespread damage

GENEVA: An analysis of images by the United Nations satellite agency released on Thursday showed widespread new damage in a 62.5 square km area of Syria's besieged enclave of eastern Ghouta since Dec. 3.
The analysis found that 29 percent of grid squares showed major new damage, with buildings completely destroyed or severely damaged, and 24 percent showed minor new damage, with visible impact craters, debris or moderately damaged structures.