Al Arabiya team member ‘detained by security forces’ in Sudan

The member of the news channel’s team was reportedly covering a demonstration in Khartoum. (Shutterstock)

LONDON: The Dubai-based Al Arabiya News Channel has reported that one of its team was detained while covering a demonstration in Khartoum, Sudan.
The person was “detained by security forces,” the channel said in a tweet early on Tuesday.

The Arabic-language news channel was not available for immediate comment, but it posted a follow-up tweet Tuesday afternoon stating that it is holding Sudanese security officials responsible for the safety of their correspondent:

According to Al-Arabiya, its correspondent Abdulaziz Ibrahim was reporting on a demonstration against soaring bread prices, at which hundreds of Sudanese were protesting near a presidential palace in Khartoum. 
AFP reports that Sudanese anti-riot police fired tear gas and beat protesters with batons.
Bread prices have more than doubled after a jump in the cost of flour due to dwindling wheat supplies, after the government decided to stop importing grain and allow private companies to do so.
The protest was the biggest in Khartoum since demonstrations erupted in some parts of the country earlier this month following the price increase.
A senior leader from the Communist Party, Siddig Yousif, was detained along with several protesters, AFP reported.