Egyptians’ satisfaction with country’s performance leaves room for improvement, poll shows

Special Egyptians’ satisfaction with country’s performance leaves room for improvement, poll shows
An Egyptian women buys government subsidized bread from a bakery in Cairo. (Reuters)
Updated 31 October 2017

Egyptians’ satisfaction with country’s performance leaves room for improvement, poll shows

Egyptians’ satisfaction with country’s performance leaves room for improvement, poll shows

CAIRO: A new poll suggests Egyptians are, on average, only moderately satisfied with their country’s performance in various political, social and economic matters.
Statistics released on Monday by Baseera, the Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research, indicate that Egyptian’s average level of satisfaction with Egypt’s general performance is an underwhelming 55 percentage points.
That average rating was measured by how 1,406 Egyptians from around the country evaluated the republic’s performance in 29 areas, including garbage disposal, street cleaning, electricity, fuel prices, employment opportunities, conduct of security forces, corruption, and freedom of expression.
Participants rated performance highest in the “foreign relations” category (at 79 percentage points), and were least satisfied with “prices” (just 27 points). The overall satisfaction level rose from 51 points among Egyptians living in urban areas to 58 among those in rural ones.
The survey revealed that young people (18- to 29-year-olds) had an average satisfaction level of 51 percentage points, while those aged 50 and above averaged 62 points.
Said Sadek, professor of political sociology at the American University of Cairo, told Arab News it was normal to see older generations profess higher levels of satisfaction.
“Citizens aged 50 or above have established themselves already, enjoying their personal residences and jobs, unlike youth, who remain disappointed with the current situation that hinders their aspirations,” he explained.
Sadek added that the results of Baseera’s poll reflect those of other international polls, which also indicate that Egypt is in need of comprehensive development in all areas.