JEDDAH: The National Society for Human Rights (NHSR) In Saudi Arabia deplored the Qatari government’s withdrawal of the citizenship of 55 Qatari citizens, including children and women without any justification.
The NSHR expressed its astonishment at the Qatari government’s sudden withdrawal of citizenship from Sheikh Talib bin Mohammed bin Lahoum bin Shouraim and 54 others from his family and Al-Murrah tribe, depriving them of their legal rights and violating human rights principles.
This is an unprecedented step the world has not seen before, except in 2005 when the Qatari government did the same thing, causing the displacement of more than 6,000 citizens from the Fakheeza Al-Ghufran tribe, revoking their citizenship without any valid reason or justification.
The 55 people are Qatari citizens. They have not been subjected to any trials but their citizenship was abruptly withdrawn.
The Saudi government is providing these displaced people with all necessary services to prevent their harm.
The NSHR expressed regret and denunciation of this blind and random collective punishment that includes children and women, just because they belong to specific families.
The society also called upon human rights organizations and commissions to follow up on the condition of these victims, and stand beside them.
Saudi rights body deplores Qatar’s move to revoke citizenship of 55 nationals
Saudi rights body deplores Qatar’s move to revoke citizenship of 55 nationals