No mechanical problems before 2016 Emirates airline crash landing, GCAA says

No mechanical problems before 2016 Emirates airline crash landing, GCAA says
The Emirates aircraft, a Boeing 777-300, coming from Thiruvananthapuram, India hit the runway during an attempted go-around at Dubai International Airport. (Reuters)
Updated 06 August 2017

No mechanical problems before 2016 Emirates airline crash landing, GCAA says

No mechanical problems before 2016 Emirates airline crash landing, GCAA says

DUBAI: Aviation officials investigating the 2016 crash landing of an Emirates airline aircraft said there were no mechanical problems leading to the accident.
“A large number of aircraft systems were tested with the assistance of the manufacturers and analysis of the data downloaded indicates that there were no aircraft systems or engine abnormalities up to the time of the accident,” the UAE’s General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) said on Sunday.
The Emirates airplane, a Boeing 777-300, coming from Thiruvananthapuram, India, “impacted the runway during an attempted go-around at Dubai International Airport” and suffered “structural damages as a result of the impact and its movement along the runway and was eventually destroyed by fire,” the interim investigation report said.
Twenty-one passengers, one flight crew member, and four cabin crew members sustained minor injuries while four cabin crew members sustained serious injuries.
Approximately nine minutes after Flight EK521 came to rest, a firefighter was fatally injured when the center wing fuel tank exploded.
The GCAA also said that investigators were working “to determine and analyze the human performance factors that influenced flight crew actions during the landing and attempted go-around.”
“In addition, the investigation has reviewed and has identified safety enhancements related to the validity of weather information that was passed to the flight crew, and communication between air traffic control and the flight crew, GCAA said.