Qatar’s residency reform does not end gender bias, says Human Rights Watch

In this Jan. 6, 2011 file photo, a traditional dhow floats in the Corniche Bay of Doha, Qatar, with tall buildings of the financial district in the background. (AP)

BEIRUT: The Qatari Cabinet has reportedly approved a draft law allowing children of Qatari women married to non-Qataris to acquire permanent residence but not full nationality, unlike children of Qatari men, according to Human Rights Watch. Permanent residents can get free government health care and education, but do not receive a Qatari passport to travel freely.
Media reports on Thursday, citing the Qatar News Agency, said the Qatari Cabinet had approved a draft law that will allow permanent residence for children of Qatari women married to non-Qataris, as well as expatriates who “provide outstanding services to Qatar.”
The proposal comes in the wake of urgent calls for Qatar to amend its nationality law to allow such children automatic nationality, as many face family separation and restrictions on travel during the current crisis in Qatar.
“Qatar needs to end discrimination against women and their children, but the proposal to grant the children residency and not nationality merely assigns them a second-class status,” said Rothna Begum, Middle East women’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch.
“Half-baked fixes to a serious problem of discrimination and family separation will only ensure that another generation of children with Qatari mothers will suffer inequality and discrimination.”
Human Rights Watch met with the prime minister and justice minister in Doha on July 24, urging them to grant automatic approvals to children of Qatari women applying for nationality, as an interim immediate step to amending its nationality law.
Under the 2005 law on acquisition of Qatari nationality, people who have lived in Qatar for more than 25 years may apply for nationality, with priority for those with Qatari mothers, under specific conditions.
However, the government has not consistently approved such applications. A 36-year-old man born in Qatar to a Qatari mother and Bahraini father told Human Rights Watch in June that he had applied for Qatari nationality six years earlier, but had never received notification of a decision.
If enacted, the draft law would help people born to Qatari women who are seeking secure residency status in Qatar even if they do not have valid passports from another country, which would otherwise restrict their ability to apply for residency cards.
“Qatar should allow children the right to acquire nationality on an equal basis from their mothers or their fathers,” Begum said.
On June 5, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE cut off diplomatic relations with Qatar and ordered the expulsion of Qatari citizens and the return of their citizens from Qatar within 14 days. The travel restrictions separated many families.
The Qatari draft law’s provision of permanent residence to migrants who “provide outstanding services to Qatar” could help UAE, Egyptian, Bahraini and Saudi nationals affected by the current diplomatic crisis.
Qatar does not have a law on asylum and has not ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention.
Human Rights Watch also urged the government during the July 24 meeting to ratify the Refugee Convention and establish domestic asylum procedures.