JEDDAH: The King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Project for Zamzam Water in July supplied the Grand Mosque with 21,229 cubic meters of water, and the Prophet’s Mosque with 11,229 cubic meters, said project Director Ahmed bin Omar Ballamash.
More than 169,870 beneficiaries were served at the main distribution center in Kaddi with a total of 1.35 million bottles of Zamzam water, he added.
Meanwhile, 126,691 Umrah performers have so far visited emergency departments in Makkah hospitals since the start of this Umrah season, the Health Ministry said.
The ministry added that 14,483 Umrah pilgrims benefited from outpatient services, 6,665 were given blood dialysis, 446 had emergency surgery, 37 had general surgery and 116 had microscopic surgery.
Pilgrims given 32,000 cubic meters of Zamzam water in July

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