JEDDAH: A Saudi flight school student was killed on Thursday along with his instructor in an airplane crash in Florida.
The student, Mohammed Al-Enezi, 27, was working toward his third pilot’s license in order to become a commercial pilot.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the 1979 Piper PA Seminole 44 Al-Enezi and his instructor were in, had taken off from Brunswick, Georgia and was on its way to Ormond Beach, Florida, when it fell off the radar shortly after 11 p.m. local time, 22 miles away from its final destination.
The plane was located the following day after a 12-hour search in a densely wooded area of the River to Sea Preserve near the Flagler and St. Johns county lines according to Flagler County law enforcement.
“We’ll continue looking at the recovered debris and wreckage,” NTSB investigator Joshua Cawthra told the Datona Beach News Journal. “From there, I will draw in on whatever areas we need to focus on to figure out what happened.”
Al-Enezi was studying at his own expense and was not on a Saudi government scholarship.
The Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington, DC, is working with US authorities to have Al-Enezi’s remains repatriated.
Saudi student killed in Florida plane crash
Saudi student killed in Florida plane crash