Princess Marina De Bourbon’s fragrance permeates Saudi social scene

From left, Veronique Pracomtal, Hani Bughsan, Princess Marina De Bourbon, and Antoine De Pracomtal.

Princess Marina De Bourbon, a French royalty with a passion for fragrances, met with journalists, blogger, and social media persons, during her first visit to Saudi Arabia recently.
They had gathered to meet the French royalty following a dinner invitation from the Hani Bugshan Establishment, the host of the perfume connoisseur.
The night’s theme was French culture that saw the princess talk about her passion for perfumes and a collection of her own creations.
De Bourbon has been associated with perfumery since 1994. She takes credit for 45 different fragrances that compliment French royalty and grace.
Her interest in scents began in childhood as she explored different trees and flowers, and started linking them with memories and emotions.
She wanted to translate those feelings into fragrances and nurture the princess in every woman.
Since childhood, she wanted to launch her own perfume line.
The princess owes her success to Hani Bugshan Est., the perfume’s distributor in the Kingdom, which markets the brand.
Hani Bugshan Establishment’s belief in the brand helped Princess Marina De Bourbon establish herself in Saudi Arabia. The company was founded in 1970. It was one of two sole distributors in Saudi Arabia, which defined the industry with a variety of perfumes from all over the world.
In addition, the company is the sole distributor of several European brands, ranging from cosmetics and perfumery.
Its perfumes are found in Paris Gallery, Wojooh, Sensi, Noor, Almusbah, Cute and other premium retailers.