A story of success, adventure, vision and leadership

Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi

Arab News is the story of success, adventure, vision and leadership. The largest publishing group in the region was born 42 years ago, led by two adventurous lovers of journalism from Saudi Arabia: Hisham and Muhammad Ali Hafiz. They had a pioneering vision for an English-language newspaper in a country where few people spoke that language. From that point on, the success story developed and expanded to include many publications, printing presses and offices.
Arab News is characterized by an editorial policy that reflects reality. It offers the rest of the world a window on the thoughts and policies of the countries of the region. The paper has succeeded in becoming a moderate voice and has laid the foundations for a distinctive journalistic style.
Throughout the past decades, Arab News has maintained these principles in its editorial policy while developing its own style and method of dealing with stories which are always handled in the most professional way.
Because of the increased global relevance of the Middle East, several countries set up channels to address Arab audiences in their own language. This showed the willingness of the countries to put forward the point of view of the region’s population, something that also called for an English-language publication to address the rest of the world.
Arab News has become a reference for news agencies, diplomats and academics because it has acquired international credibility. The newspaper has always given priority to content and accommodated the interests of a diversified readership. Newspapers focusing on good content and high-quality journalism are the ones that win the race.
The newspaper has served as a link between the East and the West, and sees itself as a publication with a mission, delivering the local voice to global capitals, and presenting local culture and activities in an international language. Arab News has a good number of local readers who connect with the English language and its modern style of presenting news and reporting it accurately.
I expect Arab News, at 42, to maintain its professional standards and continue to offer a window to the world around us. I also expect it to reach a wider audience thanks to the Internet revolution that has opened new horizons which we can use to spread our views and to understand those beyond the region.
My personal experience of four years at Arab News was one of the best parts of my professional life. It provided me with new insights and real knowledge of the media industry. I was introduced to influential people with a variety of viewpoints. All this variation and difference greatly enriched my personal and journalistic experience.
I am glad to have worked with colleagues who loved the industry and were highly professional. We spent wonderful times together and faced various challenges. We always succeeded thanks to the team spirit, clear vision, trust and the wish to become the best — for our communities, and for the media industry.

Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi was the editor in chief from Jan. 5, 2013 to Sept. 26, 2016.