Thirty-nine years in the life of a newspaper represent almost less than two generations. It seems that Arab News, which assists diplomats in their activities, has brought up almost two generations of young men in Saudi Arabia, in the Arab world in general.
At the same time Arab News has assisted two generations of parents to build societies on solid bases, to create characters for patriotism, for the welfare and for the progress of the people.
Arab News in English is the first station in the train of our lives. It is also the first step to our everyday work. Nothing can happen without being signalized in Arab News.
For this road map of life I wish Arab News to continue with new generations, to contribute to the progress of the Arab nation, with the continuation of a behavior of dignity, of respect to the opinion of the others, of freedom of expression without extremism, without fanaticism, for a world of tolerance, of love to the human being and to God, in the service of truth and merit. The formation of the public opinion in virtue is the aim of a real newspaper like Arab News.
As the staff of the paper is the soul of the newspaper, I convey the same wishes to them to work in health and prosperity.
Ioannis Christofilis
Greek Ambassador to Saudi Arabia