IIS-Jubail students win quiz contest

IIS-Jubail students win quiz contest
Updated 22 December 2013

IIS-Jubail students win quiz contest

IIS-Jubail students win quiz contest

The Association of Malayalee Professionals in Saudi Arabia (AMPS) organized a major quiz contest for students of the international schools in the region at a beach camp in Jubail recently. More than 300 grade 8-12 students from International Indian School-Dammam, IIS-Jubail, Al-Khozama School and Al-Yasmeen School-Riyadh participated in the annual contest called the Brain Hunt World Quiz.
“AMPS has always embarked upon programs that help to kindle creative thinking and reading, with a view to equip students with vital skills required to take on the intense competition that awaits them in future,” said AMPS President Suresh Kumar Kalathil.
The quiz comprised eight rounds and covered all areas, such as sports, science, current affairs, history and literature.
The unanswered questions were passed on to the audience with attractive spot prizes for correct answers.
P.G.R. Nair, a distinguished Toastmaster and an engineer at SAFCO, was the quizmaster.
The “Face the Fire” rapid-fire round, adeptly conducted by the Assistant Quizmaster Krishna Kumar Raghupathy, created ripples and excitement among the audience and the participating teams alike, said Kalathil.
It was a clean sweep by the International Indian School-Jubail. All the three winning teams were from IIS-Jubail. The top winners were Musaib Ali Mirza, Sushil Vanka and Aazim Khan. The runners-up trophy went to Priyanka Yadav, Amrita Mohanty and Nandini Singh while Rahul Agrawal, Milind Sheth and Haider Ali were the second runners-up.
Earlier in the day, about 85 teams took part in the preliminary written round conducted by Luqman Ummer, during which he posed 40 objective questions to short-list eight finalists. Sultan Al-Khurraissi, director of the Royal Commission in Jubail, inaugurated the event and praised the organizers for their commitment, innovation and passion to conduct educational events.
Muralikrishnan was the event manager and main coordinator.