Literary club in Riyadh offers tweeting lessons

Literary club in Riyadh offers tweeting lessons
Updated 02 October 2013

Literary club in Riyadh offers tweeting lessons

Literary club in Riyadh offers tweeting lessons

Twitter has become one of the most visited sites by young Saudis, where tweeting is an important daily activity. In response, the Literary Club in Riyadh is offering a course to teach Saudis the art of drafting tweets, raising proficiency in writing tweets, and getting rid of linguistic errors and common spelling mistakes.
The target groups are college students, where the applied course given over two consecutive days, will train them on how to write shortcuts, and determine what is the most important message they want to convey.
In addition, trainees will learn the ethics of tweeting; such as not to broadcast or re-tweet lies and rumors, and make sure they understand the impact of each tweet and its different connotations.
The course had received a great deal of attention by tweeps, where hundreds of tweets were posted regarding news of the course, and its benefits. Some tweeps also discussed on Twitter their own ideas about tweeting ethics and good manners.
They discussed the fact that people who re-tweet must quote the original source and not claim them as their own, as many people tend to do. Also, it was pointed out that tweeps must refrain from posting offensive tweets that are contrary to Islamic ethics, such as those that attach indecent pictures or inappropriate avatars, not to mention racist and slanderous tweets which are now punishable by law.