GIB EMOF wins Credit Specialist award

GIB EMOF wins Credit Specialist award
Updated 29 December 2015

GIB EMOF wins Credit Specialist award

GIB EMOF wins Credit Specialist award

Gulf International Bank’s (GIB) Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund (EMOF) has won Credit Specialist award at Alternative (Alt) Credit Intelligence European Performance Awards’ held in London recently.
The Alt Credit Intelligence Awards is a recognition and reward for funds that have outperformed their peers over the past 12 months.
Alt Credit Intelligence is an international publication developed by Hedge Fund Management Community (HFM), an information and membership networking group providing services for the global hedge fund management community.
Mark Watts, GIB (UK) CEO, commented: “This award recognizes our market leading risk adjusted returns for GIB Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund and is a testament to the experience and hard work put in by the investment team. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the fund’s prime brokers Barclays Bank and Credit Suisse, and all our counter-parties that contributed to this result.”
The award winning GIB Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund (EMOF) is GIB (UK)’s flagship long/short Global EM credit fund. EMOF seeks to provide consistent risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term with low correlation to underlying market indices while preserving capital and minimizing short-term volatility.
The disciplined investment approach employed led to the establishment of a proven track record of minimizing the negative returns in extremely volatile markets as experienced during the past 12-month period, thereby preserving capital and creating a drawdown record.
Despite challenging market conditions between August 2014 and August 2015, EMOF return was 3.89 percent net of fees to its investors. Positioning in the fund and sound risk management contributed to the delivery of this positive return.
“The investment team has steered EMOF through turbulent waters and achieved impressive positive numbers in risk adjusted terms each calendar year since inception and we expect this to continue. Prospects are very strong for the next twelve months,” added Watts.