JEDDAH: Saudis have taken to Twitter to campaign against the Islamic State (IS) terror group following the bombing of a Shiite mosque in Qatif last week.
Several citizens posted messages saying that they were doing so to prevent family members and friends from joining the organization, and would report anyone who had done so, a local publication reported recently.
A tweet by Barq Almazzon stated that IS was an “evil” terror group and a “threat and danger to the country.” Campaigning against them would protect the nation, he wrote.
Another tweeter named Humam said Islam condemns those who harm others and damage their property. Muslims should not be involved in this behavior, he said.
Abu Bassam tweeted: “Saudis must realize that they have a huge responsibility on their shoulders to raise awareness among their children and fellow citizens about the terrorists among them, and that they should reject them.”
A female tweeter named Jouaih warned parents that many of their educated children have been falling victim to IS brainwashing methods.
Fahd, another tweeter, said that as the oldest child in his family, he often sits with his younger brothers to find out what they are thinking. This is because there have been increasing numbers of young people joining these organizations, he said. Another tweeter, Thamer Althuqafi, said many parents have been shocked to see photographs of their children among IS members. He urged them to watch over their children and check who their friends are. A tweeter named Shaqran said parents must build closer relationships with their children.
Abu Abdulaziz said the Ministry of Education has a big role to play in raising awareness at schools about the dangers of joining such groups, which he described as a threat to the country’s peace and security.
Humoud Al-Khaldi, a lawyer, warned that groups such as IS are deceiving youngsters. Their actions would only serve to cause sedition and undermine the country’s social structure.
Suha bint Saud Aboubesht, the central supervisor at the adult education department for girls in the Eastern Province, said parents and teachers face many challenges in terms of the education of young people.
The most prominent of these challenges include the effect of outside cultures on Arab and Islamic societies. This was placing pressure on the family and state.
Citizens campaign against IS online
Citizens campaign against IS online