Gun control is a must

Gun control is a must
Updated 16 June 2016

Gun control is a must

Gun control is a must

This is with reference to the article “Isn’t it time to talk about gun control?” by Gwynne Dyer (June 14). The attack on a nightclub in Orlando, United States has left us dumbstruck. It was not the first time that an insane individual went on a shooting rampage in the United States but the Orlando incident has been described as the worst-ever mass shooting. In addition to that it also appears to be a hate crime targeting homosexuals.
The writer has raised some valid questions over the easy availability of guns in the US. There is a need for the introduction of tougher laws to control this gun culture. Many analysts and politicians defend people’s right to possess guns but they should realize that the situation has completely changed around the world. Various hate groups and extremist outfits are on the prowl. In the post-9/11 days, the US in a bid to ensure safety of its citizens introduced tougher security laws because such extraordinary situations cannot be dealt with ordinary measures.
The Orlando massacre has reignited this over decade-old debate in the US. We cannot deny the fact that when it comes to personal freedom and human rights, the US enjoys an enviable status around the world. However, this easy gun culture is proving to be very detrimental to the American society. Those politicians who are against tougher laws to check easy access to fire arms are not doing any service to their people. — Ramesh G. Jethwani, Bangalore