Possessed by jinn? 29-year-old in chains for six years

Publication Date: 
Thu, 2010-07-22 02:02

“Medical doctors and religious sheikhs have failed to diagnose my son. When he has fits, he has convulsions and his entire body twists and his eyes become completely white. Then the voice of a woman can be heard coming from him,” said the father of the young man identified only as Turki.
“When my son first began suffering from this problem I took him to sheikhs to recite Qur’an on him but most of them became scared when they heard the female voice telling them that she was a royal jinn and that no one can exorcise her unless Turki dies,” he said.
The father said a sheikh advised him to tie his son’s arms and legs with iron chains and to read Qur’an on him. “We did this. My son became quiet but is totally unaware of what is happening around him. He does not talk and is now unable to harm anyone,” he added.
The man divorced Turki’s mother some time before he was possessed. His wife now lives with the couple’s four children in a two-room apartment.
“I also used to be possessed and this began when I was nine. I used to see a woman who would at times appear very beautiful and at times extremely ugly. I also used to see her sometimes surrounded by fire and sometimes with animal limbs,” he said.
The man said he suffered from this for over 40 years until a sheikh finally cured him. “My happiness was, however, short-lived because my son is now afflicted with a similar problem,” he added.
Muhammad Al-Suhali, professor of Shariah at Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah and a member of the National Society for Human Rights (NSHR), said he visited the young man and found him to be in a miserable condition.
“Turki was in a semi coma. He did not know what was going around him. He could not eat, drink or use the toilet without the help of others,” he said.
Al-Suhali said when he started reading some Qur’anic verses, Turki became furious and started shaking until he was about to fall out of his bed.
“When I stopped reciting, he became quiet again but was distant and unaware of what was happening,” he said.
He said the family is very poor. “The young man lives with his mother in the basement of an old building. They only have two small rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. Their furniture is old and they live in very primitive conditions,” he said.
He called on the Ministry of Social Affairs to provide them with better accommodation and to include Turki in its social security program.
“The whole family lives on SR850 a month that they receive in social security,” he said.
Al-Suhali commended the patience and determination of Turki’s young wife, who remains with him in spite of his condition.

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