RIYADH: Darussalam, a multilingual international Islamic publishing house, is distinguished to have published the translation and interpretation of the Noble Qur’an and other Islamic literature in about a dozen languages.
As publishers and distributors, Darussalam has always been presenting books on international standards of publishing and printing. The books contain authentic text and research material that have been appreciated worldwide, especially in the Muslim world, Darussalam has become the symbol of authenticity in Islamic literature.
With its headquarters in the Saudi capital of Riyadh and branches and agents in major cities of the world, Darussalam is known for its innovative and modern publishing techniques of books especially meant for children and youth of different ages.
The foremost obligation of Darussalam is to publish, most authentic Islamic books in the light of the Qur’an and the Sahih Hadiths in all major international languages. To impart and fulfill this sacred obligation, the Interpretation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur’an has been published by Darussalam in English, Urdu, Hindi, Spanish, French, Malayalam, Albanian, Tagalog (Filipino), Pushto and Bengali languages.
Since its inception, Darussalam has been engaged in producing books on Islam in languages such as Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Bahasa Indonesia and Russian. The main theme of these books is to present the fundamentals of Islam as explained by the most renowned Islamic scholars of the Muslim world. Until now, Darussalam has published more than 700 Islamic titles in 16 languages. The most recent projects in the series are the Russian and Turkish editions of the Noble Qur’an.
Darussalam has presented the Noble Qur’an and the famous translation of its meaning in English by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan for the first time on Audio Cassettes. The recitation of the Noble Qur’an is done by Sheikh Nadir Al-Qallawi and the translation is read by Bilal Abdul-Karim.
Darussalam has the distinction of introducing innovative educational devices for Qur’anic teachings through computer technology.