RIYADH: The condition of the Palestinian girl Haneen, who underwent successful separation surgery from her twin four days ago, is now stable.
The surgery was conducted following the directives of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last Sunday at the King Abdullah Specialized Children Hospital in Riyadh.
Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, adviser at the Royal Court and general supervisor of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), who was head of the medical and surgical team for the separation surgery said that all medical indicators were stable and the girl had started to breathe well on her own, meaning she no longer needed the assistance of a ventilator.
“Haneen has begun to react normally, and there are no negative indicators. Haneen is expected to stay in the children’s intensive care unit for several days until her health stabilizes and then be transferred to the children’s ward for medical rehabilitation,” Al-Rabeeah said.
Palestinian baby Haneen ‘stable’ after separation surgery in Saudi Arabia
Palestinian baby Haneen ‘stable’ after separation surgery in Saudi Arabia