Attacks target Muslim-American activist after DC march

Attacks target Muslim-American activist after DC march
Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. (AP)
Updated 27 January 2017

Attacks target Muslim-American activist after DC march

Attacks target Muslim-American activist after DC march

NEW YORK: Linda Sarsour is used to slings and arrows, but not like this.
In the days since she helped organize the massive Women’s March on Washington, the Brooklyn-born, hijab-wearing activist has been targeted on the Internet by false reports that she supports Daesh militants and favors replacing the US legal system with Islamic religious law.
The 36-year-old married mother of three says it’s “disgusting,” but she’s “not going to be intimidated or silenced.”
Sarsour cut her teeth as an activist defending American Muslims after the Sept. 11 attacks and protesting against police surveillance of Muslims.
She says the online vitriol has made her feel less safe, but she was out rallying again in an anti-Trump protest Wednesday evening.