Saudi Arabia, UN body discuss ‘evolution of human rights’

Saudi Arabia, UN body discuss ‘evolution of human rights’
Updated 28 November 2016

Saudi Arabia, UN body discuss ‘evolution of human rights’

Saudi Arabia, UN body discuss ‘evolution of human rights’

RIYADH: The Kingdom and the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) recently held a two-day workshop in the Saudi capital within the framework of technical cooperation between them.
Discussed during the workshop was the “evolution of the concept of human rights in the framework of international and regional human rights systems.”
The workshop aimed to develop the capacity of the 28 members who were appointed at the third session. Their term of office will be for four years.
Mohammed Al-Midani of the Arab Center for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Education talked about contributions of different civilizations and cultures.
He also discussed topics of international human rights such as concepts of basic standards, equality, nondiscrimination and human dignity.
Other topics discussed during the workshop included branches of international law and international humanitarian law, international refugee law and international criminal law.
The workshop was the first of a three-phase event. The first phase was a prelude to the context of the historical development of human rights as a product of the contribution of a cultural medley.
The second phase is about the role of agencies and bodies of the United Nations as well as its charter.
The third phase is about the role of national institutions and bodies in the protection of human rights and the role of legislation.