MOSCOW: Russia is ready to freeze its oil output — among the world’s highest — at current level as there would be no problems for Moscow to do so, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
OPEC nations are due to agree a world oil freeze pact with non-OPEC countries on Nov. 30.
“We will do everything that our partners from OPEC are expecting. To freeze crude production is not an issue for us,” Putin told a news conference in Lima after the APEC summit.
He added that Russia’s oil firms are ready to do so.
Putin also said he has seen a “high probability” that the deal aiming to prop up the markets and boost prices would be reached in an OPEC meeting next week.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, meanwhile, told Reuters that a gathering of Russian oil firms and President Putin that had been scheduled for Nov. 23 has been postponed,
Two energy industry sources told Reuters earlier that the meeting, which was expected to discuss possible output curbs, had been delayed until Dec. 19.
“The commission was postponed as the agenda is still being worked out. Work with Russian oil companies is being regularly carried out by the energy ministry. There are no separate meetings scheduled by the president,” Peskov said.
Russia ready to freeze production
Russia ready to freeze production