The Burma caves, located a mere 66 km northeast of Riyadh, have stood the test of time.
These caves are full of rocks with ancient inscriptions. The mount is considered one of the oldest in the region, dating back to about 2,400 years before Christ.
The place has largely remained unknown despite being mentioned in several books.
Arab News visited the site, an archaeological marvel containing highly legible Thamudic inscriptions with the names of men from the ancient civilization.
The cave also contains cavernous paintings of humans, horses, deer, camels and spears.
The problem is that a large part of the cave is covered with sand.
Black plateaus, known in Arabic as “abariq,” are scattered across the caves, which made it easy for people to make their inscriptions.
It is likely that a great many inscriptions lie buried under sand dunes.
Yet these inscriptions indicate a great culture of education among a nation that clearly does not belong to a shepherd’s tribe or bedouin clan, as some archaeologists suspected.
Indeed, this form of writing belongs to fine urban workmanship and, as such, must be attributed to an educated people.
Among these ruins in Burma is a small hill of sandstone that contains various symbols and tags.
The Burma caves are distinguished with palm inscriptions containing a collection of writings in the Thamudic language with the names of various people. It also contains a collection of animal shapes, such as cows, deer and ostrich, in addition to human figures.
The place also has a cave that is 12 meters deep, ending with a deep hole carved into the rocks and covered with soil.
Burma caves point to a rich culture
Burma caves point to a rich culture