The issue of sewage leakage in Al-Safa and Al-Faisaliah in Jeddah has resurfaced, causing concern among residents of these neighborhoods about breeding of mosquitoes and consequent dengue fever.
The municipality of Al-Faisaliah has identified more than 200 houses as the source of sewage leakage, which has led to sewage stagnation on the main roads and side streets of the area.
Several residents, speaking to Arab News, said that some residents were directing sewage water from their homes to the streets, intentionally or unintentionally. The absence of fines and penalties, they claim, was only exacerbating the problem and causing health risks for everyone.
Hussein Fawaz and Ghalib Al-Nu’man, both residents of the Al-Safa neighborhood, said the leaking sewage water from residences is evident as one walks along the inner streets of the district. They wonder how the owners of such houses feel to be surrounded by muddy water, as they seem to have no regard for the fact that these swamps could turn into breeding grounds for mosquitoes and insects that cause many diseases, including dengue fever.
Mohammed Magali, Hassan Shoiei and Ibrahim Sayadiasid, who are also residents of the area, pointed out that the numerous parks in the neighborhood were full of sewage water. The situation, they said, was causing panic and fear since they have the potential to spread diseases among young children and families visiting the parks.
Ali Mohammed Khawaji and Mohammed Abdo Shabelli, members of the Municipal Council, said they were indeed concerned by the sewage leakage. The two recently launched a door-to-door campaign in the area to educate and warn people about the diseases caused by leaking sewage water.
While a number of citizens responded positively after the campaign, several houses continue to have sewage leaks, they said, adding that this also leads to damage of asphalt roads and stagnation of sewage water in residential areas.
Abdullah Al-Assaf, chief operating officer of the National Water Company of Jeddah, said the phenomenon of water leakage from houses is spreading in certain neighborhoods. Regarding the identification of 200 houses and buildings found to have leaky sewage, he said the owners of such buildings and houses were fined SR5,000. In case it is repeated, the fine will be doubled, he said.
Sanitation problems resurface in Jeddah neighborhoods
Sanitation problems resurface in Jeddah neighborhoods