Indonesia to resume recruitment of maids

Indonesia to resume recruitment of maids
Updated 14 February 2014

Indonesia to resume recruitment of maids

Indonesia to resume recruitment of maids

Indonesia has agreed to resume recruitment of maids to the Kingdom. An agreement in this respect will be signed on Feb. 19, said Ahmed Al-Fehaid, deputy minister for Labor Affairs.
He said the Indonesian labor minister will be coming to sign the accord, which follows the visit of an Indonesian delegation to Riyadh last month when the two sides agreed to a draft agreement.
Al-Fehaid said the two sides had discussed the mechanisms to maintain good relations between the sponsor and the maid and settling disputes, among others.
According to the deal, Indonesia will supply the required number of maids, conduct medical checkups and ensure they were not involved in any crimes.
He said the agreement does not cover increments in salaries of house servants or raising the recruitment fee. “The Labor Ministry is committed to offering more options to Saudis to prevent a price hike in domestic help,” he told Al-Arabiya channel.