This refers to the report “Young Saudis warned: Beware of false jihadis” (Feb. 5) in which Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh has given a proper piece of advice to the young Saudis not to get lured into false Jihad.
Warring rebel groups in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and Syria do hardly know the basic teachings of Islam. With their radical version of the peaceful faith they have brought a bad name to Islam and the Muslims.
In the name of jihad, these fighters have ruined many people and annihilated the normal societal affairs in many countries.
In Syria, for instance, people mostly women and children, are literally languishing because of hunger and inadequate shelters particularly in this season of severe cold there. Women’s moral dignity is being outraged and the children’s education system has been rendered ineffective. Islam does never condone inflicting of such misery on human beings.
Al-Qaeda, Taleban, Hezbullah are deviant factions, the ideology of which leads to success neither in this world nor in the Hereafter.
Doubtless, the Muslim community is passing through tough times, taking undue advantage of which enemies of Islam are out to tarnish the image of this otherwise beautiful faith. If Muslims are divided, the plight will deepen further, as these anti-Muslim forces are doing their best to sow seeds of discord in the community.
It is hence better on the part of the Muslim community to come to their better senses. They must know Islam is a peace-loving religion, which has no place for hatred or any extent of animosity against mankind in general.
The Qur’an says: “Killing of any innocent person is like killing of the whole mankind.” Hence talks and peaceful solution to problems and differences, if any, are the Islamic way to reach any conclusion than resorting to extremities.
Anees Lokhande
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