What about soda and energy drinks

What about soda and energy drinks
Updated 08 May 2013

What about soda and energy drinks

What about soda and energy drinks

For the last couple of weeks, I have been discussing a subject that is “taboo” in certain political circles due to the power of the beverage industry in the United States. The manufacturers would not allow anyone to interfere with some of the “ingredients” in their drinks, which make the consumer’s body crave for more and then get addicted to them to the degree of “dangerous” over consumption. 
Unfortunately, the Saudi Food and Drug Administration is not taking any action nor the initiative to warn people about the harms of certain fast foods, especially colas, sodas and energy drinks, which are causing tremendous damage to citizens’ health.
Rather than building and expanding hospitals and opening state-of-the-Art clinics, we should pay more attention to what goes into our mouths. Our modern diet is leading to the prevalence of metabolic syndromes (obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, heart disease) and even certain types of cancer. The authorities should start with campaigns that help restrict such food and beverages by imposing taxes on them and counteracting their commercials in order to pressure the manufacturers into removing the harmful ingredients in their products. Knowing how savvy their food scientists are in finding resourceful solutions, I am sure they will comply and find a way of pleasing both palate and health, while incurring reasonable profits at the same time.  
In the last two articles, I went through some of the harmful components that make cola and soda beverages refreshing and attractive to the taste as well as habit forming to the body and brain, thereby increasing average consumption and raising the industry’s profits.
The first article was about the unreasonable amounts of sugar (10 to 12 lumps of sugar in a single can), which shock and stress the systems and organs, leaving the body depleted of energy an hour later and requesting more sugar. Remember that the massive quantities of sugar are addictive and make you come back for more to maintain the “enjoyable short-lived” energy. Sugar is not only harmful, but also fattening and stressful to the body, organs, cells, and systems. 
   A recent study by Dr. de Xoning of Harvard University has shown that as little as one can of heavily sweetened soft drinks increases the risk of developing a heart attack 20 percent; the more the sugar, the higher the odds of heart complications.  Blood analysis of consumers of sugary soda beverages showed elevated levels of harmful blood fats and proteins associated with heart disease. The drinks also depress the good fats, high-density lipoproteins (HDL), and raise harmful triglycerides, which increase with overconsumption of refined sugar and carbohydrates. The study also demonstrated that processed sugary fruit squashes and soft drinks are just as bad for the health. It is about the high levels of sugar content. These findings are supported by other independent researches as well. 
As expected, the soft drink associations and beverage industry rushed to rebuff the studies and any disclaimers of soft drinks just like the other powerful associations (tobacco, aspartame) did before. They all prevail because of their political clout in the US
Another component was the silently deleterious artificial sugar substitutes such as aspartame (nutrasweet), sucralose and saccharin, which encourage you to consume more cola, as they have “Zero” calories. In reality, the opposite happens, leading to overconsumption in other caloric foods and drinks. Because their calorie-empty sweet taste does not satisfy the brain like glucose, their intake makes the brain crave other foods rich in sugars, carbohydrates, and fats. This becomes a zero-sum game and chances are consumers will become gain weight.
Moreover, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) of the brains of heavy drinkers of “diet” cola at the University of San Diego showed the physiological depression of the caudate head (a section of the brain responsible for curbing the appetite) and its reduced activity. This results in its desensitization, which leaves the consumer unsatisfied, desiring calorie-dense foods. The compensation response led the researching scientists, Green and Murphy, to associate artificial sweeteners to weight gain and obesity.
This is only one aspect of the detrimental effects of the artificial sweeteners. I have seen young people destroy their immune systems by abusing “light” and “diet” colas, resulting in devastating autoimmune disorders. I suggest reading last week’s article as well as my previous articles: Say No to Aspartame: The Hidden Danger (arabnews.com/lifestyle). 
I also explained earlier how the high consumption of regular and diet colas cause the depletion of potassium and the collapse of consumer, sometimes even necessitating emergency hospitalization. The electrolyte is essential to the regulation of the heartbeat, electrical signals, and other functions. Because the heart is composed of muscles, low levels of the mineral can cause its muscles to weaken as well as other organs to collapse. Luckily, such incidents can be treated successfully and the condition becomes reversible if addressed immediately. It is important that athletes should refrain from drinking too many cola drinks, as they can cause heart and muscle complications during training.
Now, I will tackle another concealed component of cola and soda drinks that can become equally damaging to the organs, systems, brain, body, and health in general, especially with the abuse of the beverages. 
Another downside of colas and energy drinks is their high caffeine content. High doses of caffeine over-stimulate the central nervous system, resulting in an overactive brain and higher release of stress hormones, a stressful condition that results in hyperactivity, racing thoughts, and sleep loss. It leads to caffeine intoxication, especially in combination with excessive sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). High caffeine intake also makes the heart beat rapidly. The increase in heartbeat puts the individual in a state of panic and the body under tremendous stress, especially in heavy drinkers of cola and coffee. 
The consumer also unknowingly develops caffeine dependence, which results in fatigue without taking the substance. The addiction to the stimulant in caffeine leads to hiking the consumption of cola and energy drinks, which becomes a vicious and dangerous cycle. 
The high caffeine content also contributes to calcium depletion, leading to bone loss and osteoporosis. Caffeine leaches calcium from the bones, affecting the growth of bones in children and adolescents and accelerating the loss of ageing bones.
The above ingredients are not the only ones found in cola, energy, soda, and soft beverages. There are others concealed in the brownish and transparent beverages that are also not to be trusted. Next week I shall dig in furthermore to reveal them to you in order to make you more aware of what you are putting into your mouth, digestive tract and body. If only you know what happens when you expose your body, brain, and health to such seemingly innocuous drinks!!!
• Articles by Will Carrol
• Internet articles
Individuals with medical conditions or on medication should consult their physicians when they decide to introduce anything new in their diet even if it is natural.
The previous Health Solutions articles are located at
www. arabnews.com

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