At the recent Arab League meeting in Qatar, Syria’s seat was given to the opposition, which is an important sign as it gives the movement an official position. It also points to the fact that the current regime is doomed in the long run.

The head of the Syrian National Coalition, Moaz Al-Khatib, in his address at the summit, outlined the needs of the opposition and underlined the suffering of the people. He also called for further assistance to be given to the opposition.

The most noteworthy is the fact that Al-Khatib said that the struggle in Syria has become more difficult and complex because of the intervention of other parties in the country’s concerns. The most important factor during any struggle that should enable a group of people to overcome difficulties is that they should stand unified in their fight against injustice. And for the Syrian opposition, this is the most important step to be taken.

The future of Syria will be determined on how its people come together as a distinct force that brings about a long-awaited change. What the country desires most is a clear plan for the future. Hence, the opposition today needs to unite as the division in their ranks will only give the stability to the current regime.

There is also a momentous responsibility on the part of the international community to beef up its efforts to stop the carnage. In the absence of a common front, the dreams for a democratic and steady nation will remain a dream. — Shaukat Naeem Ghumman, Riyadh

Thu, 2013-03-28 23:28
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