Green card: A visionary move

Green card: A visionary move
Updated 10 April 2016

Green card: A visionary move

Green card: A visionary move

The proposal to offer green cards to the expatriates by the government of Saudi Arabia is a long awaited one. Already, many gifted expatriates, who could have been valuable assets for the Kingdom, have moved to other countries. Ironically, other countries have been smart enough to enrich their land with the expatriates’ talent by offering them lucrative offers.

Now, the time to implement the visionary idea has come. Expatriates could prove to be a striking force in the field of defense. They could also prove themselves to be assets in the fields of education, medicine, science and technology.

The green card or permanent residency will work as catalyst for both the citizens as well as the expatriates. Today, the citizens face competition only when they go abroad either in the field of education or business. Such valuable potentials need a competitive environment back at home as well.

Similarly, it will change the expatriates’ mindset. They have been working, so far, for their livelihood. When they will come to know that their children also have a future in the Kingdom, their working temperament will change dramatically.

Countries that opened their gates in the past to foreigners have now become very powerful, dominant and prosperous. The US, France and Germany are some examples.

Albert Einstein was born in Germany and immigrated to the US in 1933. Today, his scientific theories are taught in classrooms around the globe and continue to form the basis for many of today’s scientific research. John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the US was of Irish descent. — Mohammed Shahid Kamal, King Khalid University